A stunning sunrise over Angkor Wat. Worth waking up at 4:00 am for? Definitely.
Saying Goodbye to Thailand/Tonsai for real this time as we continue our journey - It's been the closest thing to a home for us in a long time. I don't know when exactly but we will be back.
Scootering around Phuket
We had an incredible week climbing in Laos. There is so much climbing here! Great variety and a good spread of difficulty. We spent most of our time just exploring and climbing routes within our range. I couldn't leave without trying a pitch at the roof. It's an intimidating crag - pure overhang and long but the draws are fixed which is nice. I definitely didn't expect to finish when I started climbing. But one bolt at a time with a few "creative" rests and only the anchor remained between me and my first 6b+ send. I'd just seen my partner fall in this exact spot so I knew it wasn't over yet. I lost both feet for a moment on the last move but was able to recover and get my left back on where I needed it to push over the ledge. The finish wasn't elegant, I laid on the ledge exhausted for a few minutes before clipping. We didn't get any photos at the roof and it's hard to capture right anyways. Here is a photo of me on our favorite pitch Dancing Butterflies 5c. It wraps up and to the right, slightly overhung with great holds and the moves flow really nicely.